Android iOS

Android over iOS

5 reasons why android is better than IOS.

It is a never-ending battle between android and IOS users trying to prove the supremacy of one over another. Having used both, today I am going to take you through the 5 reasons why I think android is better than IOS.

1. Customization
Apple limits you on how your I-phone screen looks and operates. No widgets or live wallpapers, you even cant remove some of the applications, On the other hand the android devices come with a higher rate of customization .You can alter the feel and overall look of your home Screen and add widgets for easy access to your favourite features.

2. Google assistant.
Siri might have been the first in AI assistants but it has lost the charm over time. There are many assistants which outsmart Siri with ease such as the Google assistant, Alexa and Bixby by Samsung.
The predictive approach of Google assistant is far better than the reactive approach of Siri. Which means that, Google assistant predicts and informs you about things even before you want to know about them. Like traffic on your daily route, hence suggesting you to leave early.

3. More apps.
Apple tries to weed out the bad apples for you by only providing a certain number of apps.
Not only the number of applications in android are more they are free majorly.92 % of the apps available on play store are free for the users. And for now I am not even considering the off-platform
applications which are available outside of the play store.

4. No i-tunes.
I phone users are bound to use the complicated, bloated and non-user friendly software to transfer music from their PC. And to top up the trouble one I-Phone is capable of being synced to only one PC.

5. Device choice.
You have literally thousands of android devices to choose from. Ranging in price, brand, size ,set of features and many more. With I-phone you are bound to a couple of choices coming from the same company and priced at premium. Want a smart phone rugged for harsh environment? Prefer one with a stylus along with it? Sure thing! Android allows you to choose from a range of products like these.